Together Our PMC / Financing assistance Partners Companies and our project execution team are working hard as one team with ....
BOT ENERGY delivers construction services; thanks to our own skilled and dedicated engineers and workforce, ensuring greater control ....
From several strategically placed sites around Africa, BOT ENERGY provides a full range of fabrication, field welding qualification ....
Commissioning is a vital and life-threatening process for every facility. A series of vital checks prior to on-stream operation, and ....
Our portfolio of ‘through-life’ support services facilitates predictive and preventative maintenance activities, major ....
From an extensive range of spare parts, expertise in warehousing and logistics, to technical and support services ....
Refurbishment allows clients to defer new asset investment cost. Through upgrading, the life cycle of existing plant and equipment ....
BOT ENERGY has successfully developed a core capability in asset management. Our clients benefit from solutions ....
Robust project delivery underpins BOT Energy’s ability to effectively deliver projects across all of the sectors in which we operate ....